Our Resources

The Better Buildings Partnership regularly publishes blog pieces, news articles, toolkits and case studies that highlight the latest sustainability developments in the UK commercial real estate industry. The resources can be filtered hereunder by topic, type and member.

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  • Land Securities' Publishes its first Responsible Property Investment Policy

    07 November 2016

    Land Securities is has announced the release of its Responsible Property Investment Policy. The Policy sets out how we comprehensively assess sustainability criteria as part of their pre-acquisition due diligence. Not only have they outlined the metrics we evaluate, but they have explained why these are important to our business and our stakeholders.

    Type: News

    Member: Landsec

  • Design for Performance Pilots: Six Months Progress Under Australian Scrutiny

    03 November 2016

    Rob Cohen provides an update on the Design for Performance pilot studies which had a six month check-up from Paul Bannister, the Australian expert who designed the NABERS Energy rating scheme for commercial offices. The pilots are testing in real UK development projects key ingredients which support the NABERS Energy Commitment Agreement, a process which helps office buildings there to achieve base building operation in line with the energy performance targeted at project initiation.

    Topic: Design for Performance

    Type: Blogs

  • Placemaking on Rooftops

    03 October 2016

    It’s wonderful to see how green roofs have gone mainstream around the world over the past 10 years. From London to Sydney, Hamburg to Istanbul, and Singapore to Rio de Janeiro, they are a recognised strategy for urban green infrastructure. In London, there are now about 700 green roofs, covering 175,000m2.

    Topic: Biodiversity

    Type: Blogs

    Member: British Land

  • PV Retrofits: More than just Space and a Business Case

    27 September 2016

    After months of planning, preparing and installing, Hammerson’s 130kW solar photovoltaic (PV) array on the WestQuay Shopping Centre started generating zero carbon renewable electricity last month. It will be the first PV retrofit on a Hammerson asset and as project lead, it is an exciting moment for me and for the business.

    Topic: Retrofit & Refurbishment

    Type: Blogs